Salisbury Avenue
Another auction of land was conducted by Messrs Beadel in August 1887 again at the Auction Mart in London and amongst other much larger sales of land in Great Wakering and Basildon were plots totalling just over eight acres in the village, one known as Green Field now the site of Rectory Road and the other known as Acre Piece now the site of Salisbury Avenue.
Sales Prospectus for Land in Salisbury Avenue and Rectory Road
Sales Prospectus Map
Field Map of the Salisbury Avenue and Rectory Road Area
As with the previous photos of the Victoria Road area, these views also from the early years of the 20th century are still quite recognisable today
Wharf Road, Salisbury Avenue and Rectory Road
Wharf Road, Hadfield Road junction and Hadfield Stores
Salisbury Avenue Circa 1910