
We are indebted to the following organisations and individuals for their assistance in the preparation of this account.

Thurrock Museum Service; Grays Library Service, Stanford-le-Hope Library service.

Essex Records Office and Glynis Morris of Research in Essex.

Michael Davis; L.E. Brand & Sons and Stanford Cricket Club for the use of their photo collections and documents.

Joyce Shaw and Susan Yates for kindly allowing us to draw on their research.

References and Further Reading

The Place-Names of Essex. P.H.Reaney English Place Name Society University Press Cambridge 1935

Iron Age And Roman Salt Making In The Thames Estuary – Edward Biddulph et al Oxford Archaeology Monograph No.18. DP World.

Stifford And Its Neighbourhood And More About Stifford. Rev William Palin Private Publication 1871.

Exploring Thurrock. Christopher Harrold Thurrock Local History Society 2008.

Feet Of Fines For Essex. Edited by R.E.G.Kirk The Society of the Museum in the Castle Colchester Nine Volumes 1899 – 1910.

The History Of The Gas Light And Coke Company 1812 – 1949. Stirling Everard London, Benn, 1949

Light In The East. Cecil T.Mellimg Eastern Electricity, 1987.

Thurrock Goes To War. Roger Reynolds M.V.O. and Jonathan Catton Brent Publications. 1997.

Thurrock’s Great War Memorials a Centenary Remembrance Stanford le Hope. Steven John Cape 2014.

Panorama – Journal of Thurrock Local History Society various issues.

Stanford-le-Hope A history of Church and Village. Aubrey Saunders Thurrock Local History Society 1988.

The History And Antiquities Of The County Of Essex. Philip Morant Colchester and London 1768.

The Grays and Tilbury Gazette various issues.

Thurrock Past And Present. Brian Evans. The History Press 2010.

The Victoria History of Essex.

The Domesday Book Online.

The Essex Hearth Tax Michaelmas 1670. The Centre for Hearth Tax Research Roehampton University.

The Corringham Light Railway – A New History by Peter Kay 2008.